The 11th EJC were held in Brussels and organized by our Federation last weekend. All results & pictures could be found at the dedicated website. But, please find here some words from ABKF President regarding this event:
Dear Friends,
The organization of the European Jodo Championships in Brussels was very successful.
I ‘d like to thank each one of you for all the great work that have been done during those days.
I’ve received, as a president, only congratulations for the organization and also the wonderful spirit of our members.
I’m quiet sure that our action for the development of Jodo across Europe and in our country is going on very well.
I also would like to address my warming congratulations to our Jodoka and their coaches for their fantastic results.
We can all be proud of our Federation!
Future is right in front of us, and seems to be bright 😉
We have lived together a great moment of Budo friendship.
Thanks again and for Belgium : Hip hip hip…. 😀
Dany Delepière
All Belgium Kendo Federation President