On April 6th 2019, we commemorated the creation of our Federation. 50 years is an important milestone; different trainings for Kendo, Iaido and Jodo led by Hirakawa, Oda, Kidani and Van Den Broeck were organized in Brussels from Thursday 4th until Tuesday 9th.
“D-day” for the celebration was on Saturday 6th at the “Palais des Académies – Paleis der Academiën” in central Brussels near the Royal Palace.
Two very interesting lectures, proposed by Dr PhD Sergio Boffa & Baudouin Decharneux, took place before the “main course” in presence of His Excellence Hayashi, Ambassador of Japan in Belgium, Mr Rachid Madrane Minister of Sports of “Walloon-Brussels Federation”, Hirakawa – Oda – Kidani sensei, the EKF Delegation, several foreign country Presidents, Kendo-pioneers, sponsoring delegates and of course BKR or VKIJF-members.
The ceremony was the opportunity to hand out the first menjo for Renshi & Kyoshi to some of our members directly edited by ABKF.
We concluded by a reception for all attendees to end this sunny journey…
Thank you all for your attendance and a particular “Thank You!” to Lucia, Claudine, Christine, Laetitia, Thierry, Chris, Marc & Anne, Marco, Luis and Claire² for their hard work …
Pictures are here, but also available at social media…