Category - Federation

Federation Kendo

New training wear for Kendo team arrived

During last winter seminar, the coach of the Belgian team, N. Hirakawa received the first training wear from the sponsor, Robin Van Daele, owner of Electro Direct. This equipment will become the official wear for the next three years for our kendo team.

Federation Jodo Kendo

New “Kyoshi” & “Renshi” for Kendo & Jodo in Belgium

As the result for the first “Kyoshi” exam in Japan organized by the All Japan Kendo Federation in english, our friend Emilio GOMEZ (7th dan Kendo) from Butokukan dojo in Brussels passed successfully this test last November. Results for the ‘Renshi’ exams Kendo/Jodo in Japan organized by the same Federation, our friends Carroll Tange (7th danKendo) and Naoko Hamada (6th dan Kendo) from Meibukan dojo in Jette and Albert Van den Broeck from Taikikai dojo in Sint Pieters Woluwe passed also their test successfully last November . Congratulations to all three members of our...

Federation Kendo

Belgian Kendo “Kyu” Championships 2011

This year, we had the BKKC held in Grugge on Saturday 26th of November. The local dojo Isshin Dotai was celebrating its 20th anniversary and invited all Belgian beginner kenshi to join them for a long but wonderful journey!   About 120 participants, 20 referees, 10 motodachi and many audience did their best. Results in all categories are following: Category A (Technic 5 to 9): 1st Gallant – Kojika, 2nd Haeke – Kojika, 3rd De Blonde & Decottignies – Butokukan Category B (Technic 10 to 13): 1st Blansaer – Kojika, 2nd De Blander – Kenseikan, 3rd Carlier...

Federation Kendo

National Kendo Team

From December 2011, our National Kendo Team has the opportunity to be sponsored by Electro Direct bvba for at least three years. Welcome !

Federation Iaido

ABKF Iaido Summer Seminar 2011

10th Anniversary Edition The 10th Edition of the ABKF Koryu Seminar was held the 26-27-28 august 2011. The seminar was organised as part of the ABKF Summer Seminar 2011 and was located in Louvain La Neuve. It was a success thanks to our faithful Japanese sensei delegation composed of Oda K. 8th Dan Hanshi – Katsumata K. 8th Dan Kyoshi – Furuichi N. 8th Dan Kyoshi – Tsuchiya H. 7th Dan Kyoshi and the help of the koryu seminar staff. During those 10 years many other sensei honoured us with their teachings and the ABKF wanted to celebrate this anniversary by giving a present to...

Federation Iaido Jodo Kendo

New regulation for Shodan shinsa (FIK)

From now on, the minimum age for attending a shodan (1st dan) examination in Kendo, Iaido & Jodo is 13 years old instead of 14. Decision was taken dring a recent meeting of the International Kendo Federation (FIK) Please note.


Solidarité – Solidariteit Japan

 Afin de venir en aide et soutenir la population japonaise face à la catastrophe qui la frappe, l’ABKF, met en place une collecte de dons. Ceux-ci seront remis à la Croix Rouge Japonaise. Si vous souhaitez aider le Japon et notamment les pratiquants qui ont été pour certains très sévèrement touchés par la catastrophe à Sendai, vous pouvez adresser votre don à l’ABKF par virement bancaire en mentionnant  « ABKF. Solidarité Japon ».  La collecte sera ouverte jusqu’au 30 avril 2011. Teneinde hulp te verlenen aan de Japanse bevolking die te kampen heeft met de catastrofe die zich voordeed...

All Events Calendar


06apr09:0013:00ABKF Iaido – National Training + Referee Seminar09:00 - 13:00 Sportcenter Horizon, Ternat, Bodegemstraat 12, 1740 Ternat, BelgiumEvent Type :Iaido

12apr12:0013:00BKR Kendo Regional TrainingOpen to ALL MEMBERS Yudansha and Kyusha wearing a BOGU12:00 - 13:00 ADEPS - Auderghem, Chaussée de Wavre 2057, 1160 Auderghem, BelgiumEvent Type :Kendo

13apr09:0018:00Kendo Dan Championship 202509:00 - 18:00 Scaldis sporthal, Sportdreef 1bEvent Type :Kendo

19apr08:0011:00Kendo National Team Training08:00 - 11:00 ULB - Building E2, Hall 2, 50, avenue franklin RooseveltEvent Type :Kendo

24apr20:0022:00VKIJF Kendo Keiko20:00 - 22:00 Sporthall Bourgoyen, Driepikkelstraat 30, 9030 MariakerkeEvent Type :Kendo

27apr09:0013:00VKIJF Jodo – Regional training09:00 - 13:00 Sportcenter Horizon, Ternat, Bodegemstraat 12, 1740 Ternat, BelgiumEvent Type :Jodo

27apr09:0014:00BKR Iaido – Regional training09:00 - 14:00 ADEPS - Auderghem, Chaussée de Wavre 2057, 1160 Auderghem, BelgiumEvent Type :Iaido,Iaido Grading


02may(may 2)18:0004(may 4)18:0031st Ko Jika International Spring Tournament18:00 - 18:00 (4) Sportzaal Neptunus, Botestraat 98, 9032 Wondelgem

10may09:0012:00Kendo National Team Training09:00 - 12:00 ULB - Building E2, Hall 2, 50, avenue franklin RooseveltEvent Type :Kendo

10may12:0013:00BKR Kendo Regional TrainingOpen to ALL MEMBERS Yudansha and Kyusha wearing a BOGU12:00 - 13:00 ADEPS - Auderghem, Chaussée de Wavre 2057, 1160 Auderghem, BelgiumEvent Type :Kendo

17may(may 17)09:0018(may 18)16:00FURUICHI Sensei SeminarOrganized by Shoshikai Belgium 09:00 - 16:00 (18) Centre Sportif Blocry, Place des Sports 1, 1348 Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, BelgiumEvent Type :Iaido

25may09:0018:00ABKF BIC 2025 - Belgian Iaido Championships + Selection National Team.09:00 - 18:00 Event Type :Iaido,Iaido Grading

29may20:0022:00VKIJF Kendo Keiko20:00 - 22:00 Sporthall Bourgoyen, Driepikkelstraat 30, 9030 MariakerkeEvent Type :Kendo


07jun09:0012:00Kendo National Team Training09:00 - 12:00 ULB - Building E2, Hall 2, 50, avenue franklin RooseveltEvent Type :Kendo

08jun09:0018:00BKR Kendo ChampionshipsLocation and timing to be determined - Details will follow09:00 - 18:00 Event Type :Kendo

13jun(jun 13)09:0015(jun 15)17:00EKF/ABKF Iaido High grade seminar and examination09:00 - 17:00 (15) Event Type :Iaido,Iaido Grading

14jun12:0013:00BKR Kendo Regional TrainingOpen to ALL MEMBERS Yudansha and Kyusha wearing a BOGU12:00 - 13:00 ADEPS - Auderghem, Chaussée de Wavre 2057, 1160 Auderghem, BelgiumEvent Type :Kendo

20jun(jun 20)21:0022(jun 22)17:00Jodo and Iaido seminar with René van Amersfoort Sensei21:00 - 17:00 (22) Event Type :Iaido,Jodo

21jun(jun 21)09:0022(jun 22)17:00Kendo Refereeing seminarThis seminar will be led by Jean-Pierre LABRU (Nanadan Kyoshi and Director of the EKF Technical Committee) and given in the framework of his personal initiative named Kendo Vision.09:00 - 17:00 (22) Stade Gaston Reiff, Rue Ernest Laurent 215, 1420 Braine L’AlleudEvent Type :Kendo

22jun09:0014:00BKR Iaido – Regional training09:00 - 14:00 ADEPS - Auderghem, Chaussée de Wavre 2057, 1160 Auderghem, BelgiumEvent Type :Iaido,Iaido Grading

28jun09:3018:00Futarigumi Trophy 2025 - Iaido Duo Taikai09:30 - 18:00 Sporthal De Klodde, Dendermondebaan 10 9240 ZeleEvent Type :Iaido

29jun09:0013:00VKIJF Jodo – Regional training09:00 - 13:00 Sportcenter Horizon, Ternat, Bodegemstraat 12, 1740 Ternat, BelgiumEvent Type :Jodo


22aug(aug 22)18:0024(aug 24)18:00ABKF Iaido Summer Seminar 202518:00 - 18:00 (24) Centre Sportif Blocry, Place des Sports 1, 1348 Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, BelgiumEvent Type :Iaido,Iaido Grading

29aug(aug 29)09:0031(aug 31)17:00ABKF Kendo Summer Seminar09:00 - 17:00 (31) ADEPS - Auderghem, Chaussée de Wavre 2057, 1160 Auderghem, BelgiumEvent Type :Kendo


05oct09:0012:00Iaido National Team training09:00 - 12:00 Turnzaal De Dol-fijn, Bossemstraat 2

24oct(oct 24)09:0026(oct 26)18:00Iaido seminar Hungary - El Classico 202509:00 - 18:00 (26) Event Type :Iaido


02nov09:0012:00Iaido National Team training09:00 - 12:00 Turnzaal De Dol-fijn, Bossemstraat 2Event Type :Iaido,Kendo / Iaido / Jodo
