The information about the BKKC 2016 has been published here : BKKC2016
The composition of the poules and drawing can be found here: Drawing
Category - Kendo
Due to Brussels not being accessible on that day (cars not allowed in Brussels) this year’s Kyu Seminar has been cancelled.
Dear friends, A new season is upon us and a few changes will be brought to the schedule and preparation pattern of the national team of kendo. First of all, the national team training (NTT) will be held (whenever possible) every first sunday morning and complemented by two asa geiko on every second saturday and third sunday. The schedule and locations will be put on the ABKF agenda. Please note that the first NTT will be held on the 4th of September in Antwerp (from 8 to 10.00): Sporthal Het Rooi 2 Berchemstadionstraat 73 2600 Berchem That training is open to anyone that would like to...
The first week of May, during the “Golden Week” is every year the moment of the ZNKR gatering known as the “Kyoto Taikai”. Demonstrations & matches in Jodo, Iaido & Kendo are organized at the Butokuden in Kyoto (Japan) for 6th up to 8th dan. This year, five members took part in the Kendo division and one in the Iaido part. They certainly have some very nice experience to share with us but… one of them got also the result of his Renshi examination. We are very proud to inform You that our friend, Michael Simonini, has been awarded “Renshi” in...
Ce message est également en version française plus bas) BEDANKT! Beste vrienden, vriendinnen, Zoals jullie ongetwijfeld allemaal al weten, beleefde onze kleine Belgische kendo-wereld, enkele gelukkige momenten naar aanleiding van het laatste Europees kendo kampioenschap in Skopje. Het gemoed bezwaard door de recente gebeurtenissen in Zaventem en Brussel, is het Belgische team onder moeilijke omstandigheden naar het kampioenschap vertrokken. Ondanks deze omstandigheden heeft eenieder die ons land en onze kendo vertegenwoordigde het beste van zichzelf gegeven. De kwartfinale tegen de...
Dear Members, Following the dramatic events that happened today in Brussels, we forward you the message from French Federation’s Vice-President, Dominique Dupuis. C’est avec une profonde tristesse que nous avons appris l’horreur qui vous touche ce matin. Croyez bien que tout le Comité National Français de Kendo, comme tous les kendoka Français sont atteints dans leur cœur par ce malheur. La Belgique, comme la France il y a peu, subit aujourd’hui la méchanceté et la lâcheté d’individus “nonhumain”. Croyez bien, que nous vous soutenons de toutes...
You will find the final results of the tournament here:
final results
The folder of the event has been published.
This folder contains the latest version of all pools and grids !
Please find the folder here.
Latest update: 11/03/2016
At the end of the 25th EKF Referee Seminar organized in Brussels this weekend, examinations from 1st up to 7th dan were held. This evening, it is with great pleasure that we announce that our Federation has ons 7th dan and three 6th dan more…
Naoko HAMADA from Meibukan succeed for 7th dan.
Peter D’HONT from Kojika, Terue MATSUI from Wakakoma Kenshi Kai and Serge BOFFA from Meibukan succeed for 6th dan.
Congratulations to all! (Of course also to the other candidates who pass succesfuly the other grades…)
Date, time and venue have been confirmed.
Click bkc 2016