

50th Anniversary of ABKF

Reserve the date: Saturday, April 6, 2019 at 3 PM – 8 PM

Location: Palais des Académies
Rue Ducale 1, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

Celebration of 50 years Kendo, Iaido, Jodo, Tan & Jukendo in Belgium for ABKF members & Friends.

We propose two conferences to our guests:

‘The Japanese sword during the ancient, medieval and modern Japan”
by Sergio BOFFA, Ph D, Curator in Chief at Nivelles Museum
“Does the practice of the Japanese sword makes us becoming Samurai?”
by Baudouin DECHARNEUX, Ph D, Professor at ULB

Followed by a graduation ceremony to outstanding people who have served our Federation during the past 50 years and “Shogo menjo” to several 6th and 7th dan members.

An informal reception with all attendees, invited Japanese teachers and local representatives will close the event.

Participation fees
Free for VIP. ABKF-members: 5,00€, Friends (non-ABKF): 25.00€

Keiko for Kendo, Iaido &/or Jodo during the celebration period

Thu 04/04: Auderghem (ARA) 19.00 to 21.00
Fri 05/04: Auderghem (ADEPS) 11.00 to 12.00
Sat 06/04: Auderghem (ADEPS) 09.00 to 11.00
Sun 07/04: Ixelles (VUB) 10.00 to 12.00

Sun 07/04: Anderlecht (Erasme) 13.00 to 17.00
Tue 09/04: BYK Uccle 20.30 to 22.30

Sat 06/04: Auderghem (ADEPS) 09.00 to 11.00

All with the presence of invited teachers from Japan and high-level members of the federation and free of charge…

All information will also be posted on the Facebook event page

Federation Kendo

A new 7th Dan Kendo in Belgium!

Great news for ABKF and Tanaka sensei (Yu-Hi dojo) last sunday! After a full weekend of translation for the EKF Referee seminar in Brussels, under the guidance of ZNKR delegation including Eiga sensei, he managed to keep enough energy to present and successfully pass the 7th dan grading in Kendo…! Congratulations Robin Tanaka sensei for this nice achievement!


Jacques Dupont (1935-2019)

This morning, we received the very sad news of the loss of one of the founders of our Federation. Mr Jacques Dupont passed away at the age of 83.

He was one of the founders of our group but also the first EKF General Secretary. His contribution to Kendo in Europe was unanimously recognized.

We have lost a great man, some of us have lost a friend. Our profound condolences go to his wife and family…


Federation Kendo

BKKC 2018

This Sunday November 11th 2018, Belgian Kendo Kyu Championships in ADEPS Auderghem …

Booklet is available here: BKKC 2018

Federation Iaido

25th EIC 2018 Zawiercie – Poland

Belgian Iaido team report – EIC 218 in Zawiercie, Poland.

WOW !!! That is the first reaction after this 25 th European Iaido Championship last weekend . Although I already attended in earlier championships as referee, this year I was really ‘on the competitors side’ as Belgian Team manager to see (& love) it all.

This year’s Belgian referees were Patrik Demuynck and Luc Defraeye.

After a long travel, from Brussels via Frankfurt to Katowice airport, we arrived on Thursday evening at Zawiercie. Luckily, we had made bus reservation, so no worries to find transportation. The hotel was great and we started our stay with a lot of fun in the hotel’s spa and swimming pool. Everyone experienced this Thursday pool evening in his own way …

Friday was a full day seminar. ZKR Iai demonstration supervised by Mitani sensei.
Explanations were provided by Kusama sensei and kata were performed by Nakamura sensei. In the afternoon, more than 300 participants were divided in three halls to practice the points highlighted by the sensei during the morning session.

Saturday was the first day of the championship, individual taikai in seven categories, from mudan to rokudan. Not easy to follow on four shiaijo. The coach, Liviu, went from one place to another noting every score in every category …
In mudan category, Basu Pramit(Kenhachi) won the 3d place, bronze medal. In nidan and sandan, the level was higher than ever and Belgium members were stopped before the finals, but in yondan category Valentin Vervack(Kendo Iaido Gent) won the 1st place, gold medal.
And in the highest category, rokudan, Yuki Kanto(Brussels Yaegaki-kai) won 3d place,bronze medal, and Michael Simonini(Brussels Yaegaki-kai)
won 2 nd place, silver medal. Four medals won on day one !!!

Sunday was team taikai and the Belgian team members were Karen Vermeulen (Kendo Iaido Gent), Kim Croes (Kenhachi), Valentin Vervack (Kendo Iaido Gent) and Daan Heungens (Kendo Iaido Gent). Leaded by a strong coach, Liviu Vlad, who strategically positioned the members on the 3 places. They got out as firs of their pool against Greece and France, won against Italy, fought victoriously in half final against the Netherlands to win finally against Finland. Fantastic performance from a great team !!
So four gold medals on the second day !!!

And last but not least, four Belgian members presented and passed their gradings: Kim Croes(Kenhachi) became yondan, Karen Vermeulen(Kendo Iaido Gent) became sandan, Pramit Basu(Kenhachi) and Soumaya Boujraf(Butokukan) became shodan.

Congratulations to all !!!

Thank you all, Belgian members, for great performances, good friendship, and a fantastic weekend.
It made me very proud to be part of this team.

Your Iaido Team manager, Freddy Carlier.


BKR Iaido – Regional training 2018/2019

Dear members please already note in your agenda the following Iaido BKR Keiko for the 2018/2019.

30 September 2018 – 9:00=>11:00 & 12:00=>14:00
18 November 2018 – 9:00=>11:00 & 12:00=>14:00
20 January 2019 – 9:00=>11:00 & 12:00=>14:00
17 March 2019 – 9:00=>11:00 & 12:00=>14:00
26 May 2019 – 9:00=>11:00 & 12:00=>14:00

Sportshall G2 – At Adeps Audgerghem
Chaussée de Wavre 2057, 1160 Auderghem

For more information & other dates (BKR/VKIJF Regional Training) check the full Agenda

EKF Federation Iaido

ABKF/EKF International Iaido Seminar Bruges 2018

The 8-9-10 June 2018 the International Iaido seminar took place in Bruges, Belgium. It was organized by the ABKF with the help of the EKF (European Kendo Federation).

Under the guidance of the Japanese delegation sent by the ZNKR, we had a two days seminar and
gradings on Sunday afternoon. The Japanese delegation consisted of Kamikokuryo Shuichi 8th dan Hanshi, Oda Nobuaki 8th dan Kyoshi and Mikawa Noriaki 8th dan Kyoshi and they were assisted by European 7th dan sensei.

Some 140 people took part in the seminar. This posed no problem for the Sports complex were we
had ample space so everyone could train safely.

As there was the opportunity to grade until 7th dan a lot of candidates took their chance on the exam
unfortunately only 3 out of 32 people passed for 6th dan and none out of 8 passed for 7th dan.

But in the end because of the great job of the organizing committee there were a lot of happy faces,
a lot was learned, friends were reunited and beers were drunk.

Thanks a lot to all that made this possible, and see you soon.
Luc Defraye

Federation Iaido

BIC 2018 – Results

The 21th Belgian Iaido Championships 2018 took place this Sunday 13 May 2018 in Rebecq. Belgian Iaido level is improving every year and we were rewarded with thrilling matches and finals. Congratulations to all the competitors and thank you for the great job of referees and the organizing Dojos of the SSKB.

Here are the competition results:

1. Basi Pramit (Kenhachi)
2. Van Den Branden Myrthe (Raito)
3. Boujraf Soumaya (Butokukan)
3. Roosekrans John (Segawa)
FS. Sanchez Lucia (Butokukan)
1. Render Merlijn (Shinbukan)
2. De Baets Gret (Tenshokai)
3. Cogneau Luc (Sakura Ternat)
3. Linssen Jimmy (Shinbukan)
FS. Cordier Laetitia (Butokukan)
1. Peynsart Yoshi (KIG)
2. Vermeulen Karen (KIG)
3. Maes Nicolas (BYK)
3. Pirard Florian (Sakura Ternat)
FS. Kersleers Kevin (Sakura Ternat)
1. Heungens Daan (KIG)
2. Croes Kim (Kenhachi)
3. Damoiseau David (BYK)
3. Van Gilsem Gregory (BYK)
FS. Lesire Philippe (Shidokan)
1. Vervack Valentin (KIG)
2. Pauwelyn Nicolas (Tenshokai)
3. Geilenkirchen Ton (Agehacho)
FS. Vervack Valentin (KIG)
1. Van Den Bussche Jonathan (Agehacho)
2. Vlad Liviu (Agehacho)
3. Vaes Nicolas (Mushinkan)
3. Brun Eric (BYK)
FS. Yano Chieko (KIG)

Let’s all practice together and improve our Iaido level together. Thank you all again and see you next year for the 22nd edition 🙂

Belgian Iaido Championships 2018

All Events Calendar


16mar09:0012:00Iaido National Team training - 12:00 Turnzaal De Dol-fijn, Bossemstraat 2Event Type :Iaido,Kendo / Iaido / Jodo

23mar09:0013:00ABKF Jodo – National training + EJC Selection09:00 - 13:00 Sportcenter Horizon, Ternat, Bodegemstraat 12, 1740 Ternat, BelgiumEvent Type :Jodo

27mar20:0022:00VKIJF Kendo Keiko20:00 - 22:00 Sporthall Bourgoyen, Driepikkelstraat 30, 9030 MariakerkeEvent Type :Kendo


06apr09:0013:00ABKF Iaido – National Training + Referee Seminar09:00 - 13:00 Sportcenter Horizon, Ternat, Bodegemstraat 12, 1740 Ternat, BelgiumEvent Type :Iaido

12apr12:0013:00BKR Kendo Regional TrainingOpen to ALL MEMBERS Yudansha and Kyusha wearing a BOGU12:00 - 13:00 ADEPS - Auderghem, Chaussée de Wavre 2057, 1160 Auderghem, BelgiumEvent Type :Kendo

13apr09:0018:00Kendo Dan Championship 202509:00 - 18:00 Scaldis sporthal, Sportdreef 1bEvent Type :Kendo

19apr08:0011:00Kendo National Team Training08:00 - 11:00 ULB - Building E2, Hall 2, 50, avenue franklin RooseveltEvent Type :Kendo

24apr20:0022:00VKIJF Kendo Keiko20:00 - 22:00 Sporthall Bourgoyen, Driepikkelstraat 30, 9030 MariakerkeEvent Type :Kendo

27apr09:0013:00VKIJF Jodo – Regional training09:00 - 13:00 Sportcenter Horizon, Ternat, Bodegemstraat 12, 1740 Ternat, BelgiumEvent Type :Jodo

27apr09:0014:00BKR Iaido – Regional training09:00 - 14:00 ADEPS - Auderghem, Chaussée de Wavre 2057, 1160 Auderghem, BelgiumEvent Type :Iaido,Iaido Grading


02may(may 2)18:0004(may 4)18:0031st Ko Jika International Spring Tournament18:00 - 18:00 (4) Sportzaal Neptunus, Botestraat 98, 9032 Wondelgem

10may09:0012:00Kendo National Team Training09:00 - 12:00 ULB - Building E2, Hall 2, 50, avenue franklin RooseveltEvent Type :Kendo

10may12:0013:00BKR Kendo Regional TrainingOpen to ALL MEMBERS Yudansha and Kyusha wearing a BOGU12:00 - 13:00 ADEPS - Auderghem, Chaussée de Wavre 2057, 1160 Auderghem, BelgiumEvent Type :Kendo

17may(may 17)09:0018(may 18)16:00FURUICHI Sensei SeminarOrganized by Shoshikai Belgium 09:00 - 16:00 (18) Centre Sportif Blocry, Place des Sports 1, 1348 Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, BelgiumEvent Type :Iaido

25may09:0018:00ABKF BIC 2025 - Belgian Iaido Championships + Selection National Team.09:00 - 18:00 Event Type :Iaido,Iaido Grading

29may20:0022:00VKIJF Kendo Keiko20:00 - 22:00 Sporthall Bourgoyen, Driepikkelstraat 30, 9030 MariakerkeEvent Type :Kendo


07jun09:0012:00Kendo National Team Training09:00 - 12:00 ULB - Building E2, Hall 2, 50, avenue franklin RooseveltEvent Type :Kendo

08jun09:0018:00BKR Kendo ChampionshipsLocation and timing to be determined - Details will follow09:00 - 18:00 Event Type :Kendo

13jun(jun 13)09:0015(jun 15)17:00EKF/ABKF Iaido High grade seminar and examination09:00 - 17:00 (15) Event Type :Iaido,Iaido Grading

14jun12:0013:00BKR Kendo Regional TrainingOpen to ALL MEMBERS Yudansha and Kyusha wearing a BOGU12:00 - 13:00 ADEPS - Auderghem, Chaussée de Wavre 2057, 1160 Auderghem, BelgiumEvent Type :Kendo

21jun(jun 21)09:0022(jun 22)17:00Kendo Refereeing seminarThis seminar will be led by Jean-Pierre LABRU (Nanadan Kyoshi and Director of the EKF Technical Committee) and given in the framework of his personal initiative named Kendo Vision.09:00 - 17:00 (22) Stade Gaston Reiff, Rue Ernest Laurent 215, 1420 Braine L’AlleudEvent Type :Kendo

22jun09:0014:00BKR Iaido – Regional training09:00 - 14:00 ADEPS - Auderghem, Chaussée de Wavre 2057, 1160 Auderghem, BelgiumEvent Type :Iaido,Iaido Grading

28jun09:3018:00Futarigumi Trophy 2025 - Iaido Duo Taikai09:30 - 18:00 Sporthal De Klodde, Dendermondebaan 10 9240 ZeleEvent Type :Iaido

29jun09:0013:00VKIJF Jodo – Regional training09:00 - 13:00 Sportcenter Horizon, Ternat, Bodegemstraat 12, 1740 Ternat, BelgiumEvent Type :Jodo


22aug(aug 22)18:0024(aug 24)18:00ABKF Iaido Summer Seminar 202518:00 - 18:00 (24) Centre Sportif Blocry, Place des Sports 1, 1348 Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, BelgiumEvent Type :Iaido,Iaido Grading


05oct09:0012:00Iaido National Team training09:00 - 12:00 Turnzaal De Dol-fijn, Bossemstraat 2

24oct(oct 24)09:0026(oct 26)18:00Iaido seminar Hungary - El Classico 202509:00 - 18:00 (26) Event Type :Iaido


02nov09:0012:00Iaido National Team training09:00 - 12:00 Turnzaal De Dol-fijn, Bossemstraat 2Event Type :Iaido,Kendo / Iaido / Jodo
