
New “Kyoshi” & “Renshi” for Kendo & Jodo in Belgium
Federation Jodo Kendo

New “Kyoshi” & “Renshi” for Kendo & Jodo in Belgium

As the result for the first “Kyoshi” exam in Japan organized by the All Japan Kendo Federation in english, our friend Emilio GOMEZ (7th dan Kendo) from Butokukan dojo in Brussels passed successfully this test last November.

Results for the ‘Renshi’ exams Kendo/Jodo in Japan organized by the same Federation, our friends Carroll Tange (7th danKendo) and Naoko Hamada (6th dan Kendo) from Meibukan dojo in Jette and Albert Van den Broeck from Taikikai dojo in Sint Pieters Woluwe passed also their test successfully last November .

Congratulations to all three members of our Federation!

Belgian Kendo “Kyu” Championships 2011
Federation Kendo

Belgian Kendo “Kyu” Championships 2011

This year, we had the BKKC held in Grugge on Saturday 26th of November. The local dojo Isshin Dotai was celebrating its 20th anniversary and invited all Belgian beginner kenshi to join them for a long but wonderful journey!


About 120 participants, 20 referees, 10 motodachi and many audience did their best.

Results in all categories are following:

Category A (Technic 5 to 9):

1st Gallant – Kojika, 2nd Haeke – Kojika, 3rd De Blonde & Decottignies – Butokukan

Category B (Technic 10 to 13):

1st Blansaer – Kojika, 2nd De Blander – Kenseikan, 3rd Carlier & Van Hoorbeke- Kojika

Category C (Technic 14 to 17):

1st De Byser – Kojika, 2nd Vanden Dunghen – Butokukan, 3rd De Wilde – Kojika & Dens – Kendo Club Charleroi

Category D (Technic 18 up):

1st Nunn – Isshin Dotai, 2nd Lossieaux – Yu-Hi, 3rd Gallant – Kendo Iaido Gent & Hadermann – Seishinkan

Category E (Shiai junior up to 13):

1st Van Laecken, 2nd Roubedou – Kojika, 3rd De Tavernier – Kojika & Takagi – Wakakoma Kenshi Kai

Category F (Shiai junior 14 to 17) :

1st D’Hont – Kojika, 2nd Cox – Seishinkan, 3rd De Neef – Kenseikan & Leeuws – Kenhachi

Category G (Shiai – Men 18+):

1st Soberon – Kojika, 2nd de Gresem – Isshin Dotai, 3rd Ben Mokkadem – Butokukan & Delaplace – Kendo Club Charleroi

Category W (Shiai – Ladies 18+):

1st Scheers – Meibukan, 2nd De Leenheer – Nobara, 3rd Van Steenberghe – Kenseikan & Moyson – Seishinkan

Team tournament (Shiai):

1st Kenseikan, 2nd Kojika, 3rd Butokukan & Seishinkan

Fighting Spirit prices (All categories):

Bierkens – Meishinkan, Boving – Meibukan, Himbrechts – Kendo Iaido Gent, Cox – Seishinkan, Windels – Kojika, Duriau – Meibukan Liège, Vandegaer – Kendo CLub Charleroi, Saelens – Kenseikan & Dobbelaere – Kenseikan





National Kendo Team
Federation Kendo

National Kendo Team

From December 2011, our National Kendo Team has the opportunity to be sponsored by Electro Direct bvba for at least three years. Welcome !

Mark De Zeine Training

Mark De Zeine Training

On Saturday November 12th, Kenseikan & Kojika dojo organized in presence of the ‘De Zeine’ family a special “Jodan” practice dedicated to the late Mark De Zeine. 

NT Seminar with JP Labru (France)

NT Seminar with JP Labru (France)

Our National Team had the opportunity in their preparation towards the nextcoming World Kendo Championship to train under the autority of Jean Pierre Labru, former captain of the French National Team. His knowledge and input was highly appreciated by the current members of the team and those who were present at this seminar.

Thanks for this very nice seminar, Jean Pierre!

18th EIC 2011 – Andorra

18th EIC 2011 – Andorra

Great results for the Belgian Team at the 18th European Iaido Championships 2011 in Andorra !!!

Two days of seminar with 22 countries represented and more than 200 participants, everybody in the team so happy to meet all European Iaido friends and receive the teaching of 3 great sensei: Kawaguchi sensei, Kusama sensei and Kamikokuryo sensei all Iaido 8th dan Hanshi.

An intense individual and team competition with great results: 1x Gold, 2x Silver and 3x Bronze medals. Shodan Gold for Valentin and Bronze Rowan, Nidan Bronze for Tom, Sandan Bronze for Jonathan, Yondan Silver for Yuki, Godan Silver for Michaël + Examination success with 2 new nidan for Valentin and Rowan and sandan for Tom. In the Team competition Belgium (Valentin, Jonathan, Michaël, Yuki) won the Bronze medal …

You will find (not yet) all the detailed charts and results on the EIC 2011 website

Congratulations everybody and let’s continue to train hard. Gambatte !!!

Belgian Iaido Delegation

ABKF Kendo “Kyu” Seminar 2011

ABKF Kendo “Kyu” Seminar 2011

On a sunny saturday, the ABKF Technical Committee gave the “kyu” members of all Belgian dojo “rendez-vous”  in Ghent for the annual (free) seminar. The weatherforecast, this time, did very well predictions which made many of our beginners doing other things than Kendo.

 About 60 persons enjoyed the seminar and had an introduction to the new “Bokutoh Training” which our delegates to the annual “Kitamoto” (J) seminar were drilled in. Maybe in the next future this part will become a part of examination, so be aware of this training method.

At the end of the practise several persons were granted ikkyu before joining the free practise with the members of our National Kendo Team which organized their BBQ afterwards in a location close to the hall… This group prepares actively the selection for the team which will represent Belgium at the next World Kendo Championships and try to find solutions to sponsor their participation in this hugh event.

If any of you,readers, have ideas… contact the members of this group!

European Jodo Championships 2011

European Jodo Championships 2011

Within a fine and combative spirit the Belgian Jodo Team has won:

In mudan category:
Vermeulen Karen – a speciale price for outstanding prestation

In Shodan category:
Vervack Valentin – Gold

In Sandan category, again a  Belgian Final with:
De Block Marjan – Gold
Vandenbussche Jonathan – Silver

In Rokudan try-out competition: Van Den Broeck Albert – Gold

Congratulations to all participants and Belgian delegation!

ABKF Kendo Summer Seminar 2011

ABKF Kendo Summer Seminar 2011

Last August, we had the opportunity to start this year’s Kendo season with an unique delegation of high-level teachers from Japan. A five day long seminar allowed the participants to sharpen their skills. Our Summer event becomes popular to our foreign friends as well since peoplefrom Czech Republik, France, La Réunion Island, Germany, Greece, Great Britain & Spain attended this time. A very interesting lecture was held on Saturday about the deeper meaning of kendo practise by Hirakawa sensei. Feel free to download here Lecture august 2011 NH.

ABKF Iaido Summer Seminar 2011
Federation Iaido

ABKF Iaido Summer Seminar 2011

10th Anniversary Edition
The 10th Edition of the ABKF Koryu Seminar was held the 26-27-28 august 2011. The seminar was organised as part of the ABKF Summer Seminar 2011 and was located in Louvain La Neuve. It was a success thanks to our faithful Japanese sensei delegation composed of Oda K. 8th Dan Hanshi – Katsumata K. 8th Dan Kyoshi – Furuichi N. 8th Dan Kyoshi – Tsuchiya H. 7th Dan Kyoshi and the help of the koryu seminar staff.

ABKF Koryu Seminar 2011

During those 10 years many other sensei honoured us with their teachings and the ABKF wanted to celebrate this anniversary by giving a present to all the participants, a small magnet replica of the Hokusai Katsushika Ukiyo-e Gaifū kaisei (凱風快晴) accompanied with the list of all the great sensei who teached us: Kishimoto Chihiro, Oda Katsuo, Hattori Yoshihiro, Hattori Hizu, Miyata Tadayuki, Aoki Eiji, Kuno Michio, Katsumata Kenichi, Furuichi Norio, Harada Hideo, Yoda Fumiko, Nagayama Kuniaki, Tsushiya Hisao, Kamoshita S., Takeda N., Shooji Toyoko. Thank you senseis.

This year’s edition gathered more than one hundred participants including Belgians but also many friends from other countries such as Greece, Italy, Germany, France, Hungary and Russia. Our first training was dedicated to ZKR Iai practice dividing participants into 3 groups: mudan-shodan, nidan-sandan and yondan-godan. The participants were then (saturday and sunday) divided into 5 groups: Muso shinden Ryu, Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu, Tamiya Ryu, ZKR Iai for mudan/shodan and Examination group.

The 10th edition anniversary was also the opportunity to organize a special event. An embu taikai with modified rules: 3 participants per match, 4 judges with one additional blue flag, the 4th judge only deciding in equality cases. For participants under nidan 3x free zkr iai kata were requested and for nidan and up 3x free Koryu. Embu taikai was fun and judgment was mainly focusing on the depth of practice, kigurai and fukaku of the competitors.

This year’s edition was a success and the Japanese sensei were very happy to see all participants making year after year efforts to improve their Iaido level and we hope to see you all next year for the 11th ABKF Iaido Koryu seminar.

Latest News

All Events Calendar


08feb12:0013:00BKR Kendo Regional TrainingOpen to ALL MEMBERS Yudansha and Kyusha wearing a BOGU12:00 - 13:00 ADEPS - Auderghem, Chaussée de Wavre 2057, 1160 Auderghem, BelgiumEvent Type :Kendo

09feb09:0016:00Jodo Taikai09:00 - 16:00 Sportcenter Horizon, Ternat, Bodegemstraat 12, 1740 Ternat, BelgiumEvent Type :Jodo

23feb09:0013:00VKIJF Iaido – Regional training09:00 - 13:00 Sportcenter Horizon, Ternat, Bodegemstraat 12, 1740 Ternat, BelgiumEvent Type :Iaido

23feb09:0014:00BKR Iaido – Regional training09:00 - 14:00 ADEPS - Auderghem, Chaussée de Wavre 2057, 1160 Auderghem, BelgiumEvent Type :Iaido,Iaido Grading

27feb20:0022:00VKIJF Kendo Keiko20:00 - 22:00 Sporthall Bourgoyen, Driepikkelstraat 30, 9030 MariakerkeEvent Type :Kendo


01mar09:0012:00Kendo National Team Training09:00 - 12:00 ULB - Building E2, Hall 2, 50, avenue franklin RooseveltEvent Type :Kendo

08mar12:0013:00BKR Kendo Regional TrainingOpen to ALL MEMBERS Yudansha and Kyusha wearing a BOGU12:00 - 13:00 ADEPS - Auderghem, Chaussée de Wavre 2057, 1160 Auderghem, BelgiumEvent Type :Kendo

16mar09:0012:00Iaido National Team training09:00 - 12:00 Turnzaal De Dol-fijn, Bossemstraat 2Event Type :Iaido,Kendo / Iaido / Jodo

23mar09:0013:00ABKF Jodo – National training + EJC Selection09:00 - 13:00 Sportcenter Horizon, Ternat, Bodegemstraat 12, 1740 Ternat, BelgiumEvent Type :Jodo

27mar20:0022:00VKIJF Kendo Keiko20:00 - 22:00 Sporthall Bourgoyen, Driepikkelstraat 30, 9030 MariakerkeEvent Type :Kendo


05apr09:0012:00Kendo National Team Training09:00 - 12:00 ULB - Building E2, Hall 2, 50, avenue franklin RooseveltEvent Type :Kendo

06apr09:0013:00ABKF Iaido – National Training + Referee Seminar09:00 - 13:00 Sportcenter Horizon, Ternat, Bodegemstraat 12, 1740 Ternat, BelgiumEvent Type :Iaido

12apr12:0013:00BKR Kendo Regional TrainingOpen to ALL MEMBERS Yudansha and Kyusha wearing a BOGU12:00 - 13:00 ADEPS - Auderghem, Chaussée de Wavre 2057, 1160 Auderghem, BelgiumEvent Type :Kendo

13apr09:0018:00Kendo Dan Championship 202509:00 - 18:00 Scaldis sporthal, Sportdreef 1bEvent Type :Kendo

24apr20:0022:00VKIJF Kendo Keiko20:00 - 22:00 Sporthall Bourgoyen, Driepikkelstraat 30, 9030 MariakerkeEvent Type :Kendo

27apr09:0013:00VKIJF Jodo – Regional training09:00 - 13:00 Sportcenter Horizon, Ternat, Bodegemstraat 12, 1740 Ternat, BelgiumEvent Type :Jodo

27apr09:0014:00BKR Iaido – Regional training09:00 - 14:00 ADEPS - Auderghem, Chaussée de Wavre 2057, 1160 Auderghem, BelgiumEvent Type :Iaido,Iaido Grading


02may(may 2)18:0004(may 4)18:0031st Ko Jika International Spring Tournament18:00 - 18:00 (4) Sportzaal Neptunus, Botestraat 98, 9032 Wondelgem

03may09:0012:00Kendo National Team Training09:00 - 12:00 ULB - Building E2, Hall 2, 50, avenue franklin RooseveltEvent Type :Kendo

10may12:0013:00BKR Kendo Regional TrainingOpen to ALL MEMBERS Yudansha and Kyusha wearing a BOGU12:00 - 13:00 ADEPS - Auderghem, Chaussée de Wavre 2057, 1160 Auderghem, BelgiumEvent Type :Kendo

17may(may 17)09:0018(may 18)16:00FURUICHI Sensei SeminarOrganized by Shoshikai Belgium 09:00 - 16:00 (18) Centre Sportif Blocry, Place des Sports 1, 1348 Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, BelgiumEvent Type :Iaido

25may09:0018:00ABKF BIC 2025 - Belgian Iaido Championships + Selection National Team.09:00 - 18:00 Event Type :Iaido,Iaido Grading

29may20:0022:00VKIJF Kendo Keiko20:00 - 22:00 Sporthall Bourgoyen, Driepikkelstraat 30, 9030 MariakerkeEvent Type :Kendo


07jun09:0012:00Kendo National Team Training09:00 - 12:00 ULB - Building E2, Hall 2, 50, avenue franklin RooseveltEvent Type :Kendo

08jun09:0018:00BKR Kendo ChampionshipsLocation and timing to be determined - Details will follow09:00 - 18:00 Event Type :Kendo

13jun(jun 13)09:0015(jun 15)17:00EKF/ABKF Iaido High grade seminar and examination09:00 - 17:00 (15) Event Type :Iaido,Iaido Grading

14jun12:0013:00BKR Kendo Regional TrainingOpen to ALL MEMBERS Yudansha and Kyusha wearing a BOGU12:00 - 13:00 ADEPS - Auderghem, Chaussée de Wavre 2057, 1160 Auderghem, BelgiumEvent Type :Kendo

21jun(jun 21)09:0022(jun 22)17:00Kendo Refereeing seminarThis seminar will be led by Jean-Pierre LABRU (Nanadan Kyoshi and Director of the EKF Technical Committee) and given in the framework of his personal initiative named Kendo Vision.09:00 - 17:00 (22) Stade Gaston Reiff, Rue Ernest Laurent 215, 1420 Braine L’AlleudEvent Type :Kendo

22jun09:0014:00BKR Iaido – Regional training09:00 - 14:00 ADEPS - Auderghem, Chaussée de Wavre 2057, 1160 Auderghem, BelgiumEvent Type :Iaido,Iaido Grading

28jun09:3018:00Futarigumi Trophy 2025 - Iaido Duo Taikai09:30 - 18:00 Sporthal De Klodde, Dendermondebaan 10 9240 ZeleEvent Type :Iaido

29jun09:0013:00VKIJF Jodo – Regional training09:00 - 13:00 Sportcenter Horizon, Ternat, Bodegemstraat 12, 1740 Ternat, BelgiumEvent Type :Jodo


22aug(aug 22)18:0024(aug 24)18:00ABKF Iaido Summer Seminar 202518:00 - 18:00 (24) Centre Sportif Blocry, Place des Sports 1, 1348 Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, BelgiumEvent Type :Iaido,Iaido Grading


05oct09:0012:00Iaido National Team training09:00 - 12:00 Event Type :Iaido,Kendo / Iaido / Jodo

05oct09:0012:00Iaido National Team training09:00 - 12:00 Turnzaal De Dol-fijn, Bossemstraat 2

24oct(oct 24)09:0026(oct 26)18:00Iaido seminar Hungary - El Classico 202509:00 - 18:00 (26) Event Type :Iaido


02nov09:0012:00Iaido National Team training09:00 - 12:00 Turnzaal De Dol-fijn, Bossemstraat 2Event Type :Iaido,Kendo / Iaido / Jodo
