

Change in Winter Seminar 2021

Due to Friday’s “Codeco” of our government, it was necessary for ABKF to adapt again to the organization of its 2021 edition of the Winter Seminar.
Besides the fact of trying to keep the health of participants correct, we also try to maintain as much as possible the organization of the examinations in good circumstances for all.

Due to the nature of the practice of Iaido and Jodo, this hasn’t had any impact on the already decided modifications taken last week. Only the moment for the Jodo exams changed a little but if everyone (Jodo) is present at the sports center from the start of the seminar, no big issues are foreseen.

Candidates for any exam who haven’t paid their inscription fees at 12/12 will be removed from the lists. Be aware of that!

The biggest changes are for the kendo related part of the seminar:

  • To avoid too large groups in training, we ask those who are not directly involved with any kendo exam to refrain to join the sports center. Of course, any junior attending the exam that day can be accompanied but in the limits set up by the government (2 persons). If any member is driving for other examination related member, he can join the practice since spectators are not allowed by the government.  
  • To allow a secured ventilation of the hall and avoid large rows, we have decided to split the exams in different sessions preceded by a training of +/- 1 hour to have a safe warming-up of all candidates. This training is free of charge. Those who already paid for the seminar will be refunded by bank once the weekend is over. Please read carefully the new schedule for Sunday and please avoid to arrive too early (kendo 4th & 5th candidates) or leave late (kendo ikkyu to 3rd dan candidates) the sport hall.

Kendo schedule:

  • ikkyu to 3rd dan candidates: training from 09h30 to 10h30 and exams starts at 11h15
  • 4th & 5th dan candidates: training from 13h00 to 14h00 and exams starts at 14h30

Find the updated schedule here:

Additional information to all participants:

  • Face masks are mandatory when entering the sport center and during training. Only chirurgical or FFP2 masks will be accepted during practice. Chirurgical masks will be available at ABKF desk for free.
  • When wearing “men” in kendo, instead of a face mask, the use of a specific plastic “face shield” (minimum lower part) is the only option to avoid wearing the face mask. As soon as the “men” is taken off, the person is supposed to wear again its face mask.
  • Follow all instructions given by our staff members. In case of no respect, instructions are given to evacuate the “trouble makers”. Please make the job for everyone easy…
  • For Jury and staff members, ABKF will provide a FFP2 mask.

In case you would like to cancel your participation, please inform us as soon as possible by sending an email to the ABKF President, Secretary & Treasurer. We will refund your payment as long as the request arrives before 17/12/2021. 

See you all in excellent health very soon! 


Update to the ABKF Winter Seminar 2021

Dear friends

The unprecedented period, in which “everything changed”, has continued to evolve. The Belgian government and its experts are asking us to limit our contacts and thus our social activities. We hoped to be able to organize the annual winter seminar under somewhat modified circumstances, without the presence of a Japanese delegation, but with peace of mind. We’re not there yet. To ensure maximum safety for all our members and their guests while providing access to visible progress; we are forced to shorten this year’s schedule.

Please find the updated schedule in the original post about the winter seminar:

The message from our president can be found here:

NL version:
EN version:
FR version:

Federation Iaido Jodo Kendo

ABKF – Winter Seminar 2021

Dear friends


Due to the recent evolutions with the COVID-19 virus, the seminar scheduled has been changed. Please read the following message from our ABKF President S. Hendrickx thorouhly in one of the following attachments:

With great pleasure, we announce the opening of the registrations to the ABKF Winter Seminar edition of 2021 from 17 December to 19 December 2021.
Please read the following rules carefully and fill in the form to participate in the seminar and examinations.
Link to the schedule:

Registration will close on 1st December 2021.

Link to the registration form:

!!! Important Information!!!
Access to the seminar is only possible with a valid “Covid Safe Ticket” for +16 year’s old participants and remittance of the specific filled-in form (which you need to download and print) at your first visit:

Fill in this form carefully and ensure payment of the requested fees (seminar & application fees for exam(s)) to the ABKF account.

Payment onsite is discouraged, but we will have mobile payment (Bancontact mobile application) and payment by debit/credit card available.

For our foreign FIK & EKF-member friends:
Do not forget to ask permission to your National Federation. They will add you to the EKF database.
Do not forget as well to pay all requested fees (seminar & application fees for exam(s)) to the ABKF account.

If this isn’t done before December 1st 2021, your registration will be automatically rejected by our system.

Accommodations and meals are possible at the sports center but have to be arranged by yourself directly.

  • Link for accommodations at Sport Center:

Due to the COVID-19 situation, we will regrettably not organize any “Sayonara Party”. We invite you to enjoy a nice evening in one of the local restaurants or take to opportunity to visit Brussels City center easily reachable by public transport in less than 30 minutes.

Federation Iaido Kendo

ABKF – Kendo & Iaido September Gradings & Keiko

On Saturday 18th September 2021 an ABKF kendo and Iaido Keiko and Examination day will be held in Bourgoyen, 9030 Mariakerke

To register to Keiko and/or Examination please fill in the following form:

Registration will close the 4 September 2021.

The form details the complete Schedule of the day. It can also be found here:

!!! Due to the COVID security measures and restrictions please read it carefully and be on time the 18th. Very important also fill in the medical form and bring it with you a paper version:


Gradings Information & Prices:


Start of National Kendo Team trainings

Today, Saturday July 3rd 2021, after more than a year, our National Kendo Team started their practice.

Not everyone is back yet but it gives a nice feeling to see happy faces working hard.

Since former coach and manager resigned, ABKF appointed new members for these tasks:

Peter D’Hont will from now on act as our NTK coach and Ismail Bozok will pick up the position of NKT manager.

From now on and as long as COVID 19 is active in our country, every person who wants to join any training has to fill-in in advance following pdf-document downloadable here:



Gambatte, Dear Friends!


Heengaan van Albert Heirman / Départ de Albert Heirman

Met diepe droefheid moeten we helaas het overlijden van Albert Heirmanmeedelen. Na een strijd van 3 maanden is Albert op 74-jarige leeftijd helaas overleden aan het COVID-19 virus op woensdag 23 Juni 2021 . Naast jarenlang lid van de ABKF en leraar in het technisch comité van iaido, was Albert ook gekend als grondlegger van de Tenshokai dojo in Lembeke en leerling van de Yagyū Shinkage-ryū school.

De begrafenis zal plaatsvinden in intieme kring. Al onze gedachten zijn met de familie, naasten en vrienden in deze moeilijke periode.

Gedenk Albert mee in uw volgende keiko.
Indien u uw condoleances wilt brengen aan de familie, kan dat op volgende link:

C’est avec une profonde tristesse que nous devons annoncer le décès d’Albert Heirman. Après une lutte de 3 mois contre le virus COVID-19, Albert est malheureusement décédé le mercredi 23 Juin 2021, à l’âge de 74 ans. En plus d’être membre de l’ABKF pendant de nombreuses années et étant enseignant au sein du comité technique du iaido, Albert était également connu comme le fondateur du dojo Tenshokai à Lembeke et un élève de l’école Yagyū Shinkage-ryū.

Les funérailles auront lieu en privé. Toutes nos pensées vont à la famille, aux proches et aux amis pendant cette période difficile.

Souvenez-vous d’Albert dans votre prochain keiko.
Si vous désirez présenter vos condoléances à la famille, vous pouvez le faire au lien suivant:

May be an image of 1 person

All Events Calendar


16mar09:0012:00Iaido National Team training - 12:00 Turnzaal De Dol-fijn, Bossemstraat 2Event Type :Iaido,Kendo / Iaido / Jodo

23mar09:0013:00ABKF Jodo – National training + EJC Selection09:00 - 13:00 Sportcenter Horizon, Ternat, Bodegemstraat 12, 1740 Ternat, BelgiumEvent Type :Jodo

27mar20:0022:00VKIJF Kendo Keiko20:00 - 22:00 Sporthall Bourgoyen, Driepikkelstraat 30, 9030 MariakerkeEvent Type :Kendo


05apr09:0012:00Kendo National Team Training09:00 - 12:00 ULB - Building E2, Hall 2, 50, avenue franklin RooseveltEvent Type :Kendo

06apr09:0013:00ABKF Iaido – National Training + Referee Seminar09:00 - 13:00 Sportcenter Horizon, Ternat, Bodegemstraat 12, 1740 Ternat, BelgiumEvent Type :Iaido

12apr12:0013:00BKR Kendo Regional TrainingOpen to ALL MEMBERS Yudansha and Kyusha wearing a BOGU12:00 - 13:00 ADEPS - Auderghem, Chaussée de Wavre 2057, 1160 Auderghem, BelgiumEvent Type :Kendo

13apr09:0018:00Kendo Dan Championship 202509:00 - 18:00 Scaldis sporthal, Sportdreef 1bEvent Type :Kendo

24apr20:0022:00VKIJF Kendo Keiko20:00 - 22:00 Sporthall Bourgoyen, Driepikkelstraat 30, 9030 MariakerkeEvent Type :Kendo

27apr09:0013:00VKIJF Jodo – Regional training09:00 - 13:00 Sportcenter Horizon, Ternat, Bodegemstraat 12, 1740 Ternat, BelgiumEvent Type :Jodo

27apr09:0014:00BKR Iaido – Regional training09:00 - 14:00 ADEPS - Auderghem, Chaussée de Wavre 2057, 1160 Auderghem, BelgiumEvent Type :Iaido,Iaido Grading


02may(may 2)18:0004(may 4)18:0031st Ko Jika International Spring Tournament18:00 - 18:00 (4) Sportzaal Neptunus, Botestraat 98, 9032 Wondelgem

03may09:0012:00Kendo National Team Training09:00 - 12:00 ULB - Building E2, Hall 2, 50, avenue franklin RooseveltEvent Type :Kendo

10may12:0013:00BKR Kendo Regional TrainingOpen to ALL MEMBERS Yudansha and Kyusha wearing a BOGU12:00 - 13:00 ADEPS - Auderghem, Chaussée de Wavre 2057, 1160 Auderghem, BelgiumEvent Type :Kendo

17may(may 17)09:0018(may 18)16:00FURUICHI Sensei SeminarOrganized by Shoshikai Belgium 09:00 - 16:00 (18) Centre Sportif Blocry, Place des Sports 1, 1348 Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, BelgiumEvent Type :Iaido

25may09:0018:00ABKF BIC 2025 - Belgian Iaido Championships + Selection National Team.09:00 - 18:00 Event Type :Iaido,Iaido Grading

29may20:0022:00VKIJF Kendo Keiko20:00 - 22:00 Sporthall Bourgoyen, Driepikkelstraat 30, 9030 MariakerkeEvent Type :Kendo


07jun09:0012:00Kendo National Team Training09:00 - 12:00 ULB - Building E2, Hall 2, 50, avenue franklin RooseveltEvent Type :Kendo

08jun09:0018:00BKR Kendo ChampionshipsLocation and timing to be determined - Details will follow09:00 - 18:00 Event Type :Kendo

13jun(jun 13)09:0015(jun 15)17:00EKF/ABKF Iaido High grade seminar and examination09:00 - 17:00 (15) Event Type :Iaido,Iaido Grading

14jun12:0013:00BKR Kendo Regional TrainingOpen to ALL MEMBERS Yudansha and Kyusha wearing a BOGU12:00 - 13:00 ADEPS - Auderghem, Chaussée de Wavre 2057, 1160 Auderghem, BelgiumEvent Type :Kendo

21jun(jun 21)09:0022(jun 22)17:00Kendo Refereeing seminarThis seminar will be led by Jean-Pierre LABRU (Nanadan Kyoshi and Director of the EKF Technical Committee) and given in the framework of his personal initiative named Kendo Vision.09:00 - 17:00 (22) Stade Gaston Reiff, Rue Ernest Laurent 215, 1420 Braine L’AlleudEvent Type :Kendo

22jun09:0014:00BKR Iaido – Regional training09:00 - 14:00 ADEPS - Auderghem, Chaussée de Wavre 2057, 1160 Auderghem, BelgiumEvent Type :Iaido,Iaido Grading

28jun09:3018:00Futarigumi Trophy 2025 - Iaido Duo Taikai09:30 - 18:00 Sporthal De Klodde, Dendermondebaan 10 9240 ZeleEvent Type :Iaido

29jun09:0013:00VKIJF Jodo – Regional training09:00 - 13:00 Sportcenter Horizon, Ternat, Bodegemstraat 12, 1740 Ternat, BelgiumEvent Type :Jodo


22aug(aug 22)18:0024(aug 24)18:00ABKF Iaido Summer Seminar 202518:00 - 18:00 (24) Centre Sportif Blocry, Place des Sports 1, 1348 Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, BelgiumEvent Type :Iaido,Iaido Grading


05oct09:0012:00Iaido National Team training09:00 - 12:00 Event Type :Iaido,Kendo / Iaido / Jodo

05oct09:0012:00Iaido National Team training09:00 - 12:00 Turnzaal De Dol-fijn, Bossemstraat 2

24oct(oct 24)09:0026(oct 26)18:00Iaido seminar Hungary - El Classico 202509:00 - 18:00 (26) Event Type :Iaido


02nov09:0012:00Iaido National Team training09:00 - 12:00 Turnzaal De Dol-fijn, Bossemstraat 2Event Type :Iaido,Kendo / Iaido / Jodo
